About CTCMA of BC Continuing Competency Requirements
The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA of BC) has specific continuing education requirements for its registrants, aimed at ensuring that practitioners maintain and enhance their professional skills and knowledge.
To renew their registration with the College, practitioners must comply with the Continuing Competency Requirements Policy, which mandates a minimum of 50 hours/credits of reported activities by March 31st every two years, starting 2022. A minimum of 4 hours/credits must focus on ethical practice.
Registrants can participate in many types of learning activities for their continuing education, such as in-person, recorded, real-time courses, conferences, webinars, self-study, and structured interactive activities with peers.
- “Direct participatory, formal programs” (formerly Category A) include live (i.e., real-time) in-person or online interactive workshops, seminars, or training when attendance is taken and monitored; or electronically-offered continuing education when attendance is taken and monitored and when there is an assessment tool for the course.
- “Self study” (formerly Category B) includes reviewing academic journals, professional publications, bylaws and standards, and taking online and distance learning courses and webinars when no attendance is taken and/or when no assessment tool is available.
- “Structured interactive activities” (formerly Category C) include regularly scheduled or routine consultations with peers or case conferences.
All of ACEU Masters courses fall under direct participatory, formal programs (formerly Category A) and can be taken to fulfill all 50 hours. ACEU Masters is a listed online continuing education course provider on CTCMA. See here for all of our approved CTCMA courses.